Five Years Later... We're Live!

November 15, 2013 • Peter Sanchez

Hi there. Welcome to the Netlandish Blog. The fact that you're reading this means that we've finally launched a public website. And it only took us 5 1/2 years to do so. When I formed the company Netlandish Inc. in 2008, the idea wasn't always to act as a consultancy. I had planned on consulting to offset my income so I could pursue a few products I was working on. As time went on, my products slowly died but my consulting practice got busier and busier. Fueled by my personal blog posts about Django, Python, my mis-adventures in business, web development, and general non-sense I was slowly building a solid reputation as a Python / Django developer who got that businesses needed more than a hired gun. They needed a partner they could count on. Time after time, Netlandish has proved to be that partner successfully. The company grew from happy clients coming back for repeat business and spreading the word about us to their friends who may be in need of our services. We kept so busy that we just didn't have time to launch a true website to be the face of our company. Well I decided to put on my big boy pants and finally get a site up. We're now a small and agile team of 4 and we're looking forward to blog frequently about various topics. Expect to see Python and Django tips, FreeBSD pointers, our experiences in this crazy world of web development, and honestly, general debauchery that we may be getting up to on any given day. We also own a few products and always have a few things cooking. We hope to share our adventures along the way. The highs and the lows. We plan to bleed all over this blog. So stay turned, it could get ugly.

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